We are a small group run by dedicated unpaid volunteers. We work tirelessly to raise funds by means of bingo evenings every other month at the Rudheath Social Club in Northwich, regular car boot sales, a yearly dog show and any other fund raising events decided upon throughout the year. See "Our Events" page for details.
We take in, where space allows, animals in need of rescue. All our animals in need of homes are cared for by foster carers and can be viewed by appointment. A home and road check are carried out first, as we will not home any animal on or near main or fast roads, rivers, canals or rail tracks.
If you have an animal which is not in a rescue situation but needs rehoming, please see the section below "How we can help you" for details of our Home from Home service.
If you are looking for a new pet, please follow one of the following links:
If you know of an animal that is in need of rescue, please ring John on 07892 823257 between 1pm and 6:30pm.
We haven’t won the lottery yet, so we don’t have a centre that you can visit and physically help out. We foster animals in our own homes in the Northwich area until they find homes of their own.
Here are some ways you can help us out:
• Raise awareness by sharing our leaflet
You can download our leaflet which summarises the information here, and distribute it or put it up as a poster. If using it as a poster, please check with the owner of the location that it's ok to put it up.
• Make a cash donation
We have huge vet bills, as you can imagine, and our residents chomp their way through bags of food each week. Donations of money are always welcome, whether it is a regular donation or a one-off, whether it is cash, a cheque, a bank transfer or through PayPal.
To donate money, please ring Alison on 07841 990421 or
• Donate tombola and raffle items
We are always after donations that we can use as prizes for our regular bingo evenings and tombolas we hold at other events. Ideally, we would like any prize donations to be new, but the basic rule of thumb is “Would someone be happy to win what I am donating?”. To donate tombola and raffle items, please ring John on 07892 823257.
• Become a foster carer for cats or small animals
We don’t have a centre and are always in need of temporary foster carers for our residents until they find homes. If you need us to, we can fund food and vet bills. If you would like to become a foster carer and have a home with no dogs, please ring John on 07892 823257.
• Donate boot sale items
Throughout the year, we do boot sales to raise funds. If you have good quality items we could sell at boot sales, we would be grateful to receive them. Up until the boot sales, we store the stock in a volunteer’s garage, so please ring to see if we have space. To donate boot sale items, please email tailsanimalrescue@yahoo.com
• Help out at one of our events
We have a dog show once or sometimes twice a year, we have occasional stalls at charity events – we sometimes need stallholders to take money, give prizes, etc. Please look at "Our Events" page to see what we have coming up and then ring John on 07892 823257 to donate your time.
• Like us on Facebook and share our posts
The world is digital and now so are we (just). We have a Facebook page (www.facebook.com/tailsanimalrescuenorthwichnew) which we use to highlight animals in need of homes, publicise our events and share the occasional funny animal video. You can help us by liking the page in the first place, and then sharing the posts we make so they reach more people and our name is known over a wider area for when people are looking for pets. Just one share reaches hundreds more people than we can do on our own.
• Hold a fundraising event for us
You could have a cake sale, a raffle at work, a coffee morning, a sponsored walk/silence/cupcake eating competition (my favourite). We could provide signs if given enough notice, or perhaps one of us could turn up and help out.
To fundraise for us, please ring Alison on 07841 990421.
• Donate cat food, litter, bedding and toys
We are always in need of cat-related items (sometimes for dogs and rabbits too): washable blankets and towels, woodchip cat litter, litter trays, baskets, cat beds, toys and of course good quality cat food. We use good quality cat food because some of our residents are recovering from trauma and we want them to recuperate quickly. To donate these kinds of items, please ring John on 07892 823257.
• Remember us in your will
You could leave us a donation as part of your will. To do this, you will need our organisation and bank details. To remember us in your will, please ring Alison on 07841 990421.
Please contact us either by email, telephone or use the contact us box below more information and appointments:
07892 823257 between 1pm and 6.30pm